Travel advice for diabetics from VoyageMD
Travel advice from VoyageMD

Travel, whether for business or pleasure, involves experiencing unfamiliar environments and for people living with diabetes travel can have an impact on their ability to self-manage the condition. Whether it is the effect of time zone changes on the body clock, changes in temperature, more exercise than normal or new dishes in exotic places, the impact of a journey can be significant.

In the past, for some travellers with diabetes, being on insulin even affected their choice of holiday destination. VoyageMD believe that with preparation and support all people living with diabetes should be able to travel safely to their destination of choice and during the trip maintain control of their diabetes.

VoyageMD  provides practical advice for people thinking about travel and diabetes including:

  • Pre-travel recommendations such as what to pack and obtaining the appropriate medical clearance
  • Recommendations about the journey including how to cope with changing time zones
  • Specific information related to travel and diabetes such as dealing with extreme temperature change and
  • VoyageMD own reports about the experiences they have had and the places they have visited

VoyageMD has also asked major airlines and hotel chains to provide information related to travel and diabetes.

VoyageMD is also about enjoying travel.